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Meet Kim



I am a daughter, a wife, a mother to 7 children and a Mimi. I am a foster mom, a teacher, a business owner, a public speaker, an author, a travel consultant and a Christian Life Coach. I have a passion for traveling, helping others, decorating, meditation, natural living and good food. 


I have lived what most would consider a dream life.  I had a great childhood with siblings I adore and with two parents, who we always knew loved us.  There were struggles like anyone, but all in all, it was a pretty great childhood.  I met the perfect guy for me when I was 16, though there was no romantic interest till I was 18.  He is my best friend, and my biggest cheerleader in life, and I married him in 1992.  We proceeded to create the life we had dreamed about.  We moved to idyllic New England, my husband started his chiropractic practice, and we started a family.  In 2002, as we were looking back on 10 years of marriage, we realized we had it all.  We had 4 beautiful and healthy children (at least we thought they were all healthy).  We had just finished building a new home in a great neighborhood and my husbands business was growing more each day. It appeared to be the perfect life. 


In 2003, my husband was feeling like it was time to move back to the West Coast to be closer to family.  Our only unfulfilled dreams were that of our children growing up with grandparents and cousins all around.  We bought a chiropractic practice in a small town in Utah that put us between family in most of the western states. We booked the moving truck and we were all set to go start the beautiful new life we dreamed of, when all of a sudden everything changed for us.  Our life was turned upside down.




One week before we were supposed to make the big move, and as we were signing closing papers for the sale of our house, my husband’s parents were killed in a car accident.  All of a sudden, life changed and it became the beginning of trials for our family that would change our lives forever.  These trials had me questioning everything I had learned in life. Everything I had become, and they eventually destroyed my health.  The next ten years were filled with stress as my husband had a waning new practice, found himself suffering from depression, and our youngest son was suffering from a neurodevelopmental disorder nobody understood yet (later found out it was sensory processing disorder). I also had to return to work myself which was a big change for our famiy.  I did well with the child care center that I bought, but running a business and taking care of my family full time, especially my neurodiverse son who didn't want to live was taking its toll on me.  I was exhausted and feeling a bit depressed myself. 


As I began to feel sadder, I decided it was because I was focusing on my problems too much, and I just needed to pour myself into more service for others.  "That is where happy is found", I thought.  I served on the PTA board, I got super involved in church and we became foster parents.  I got really busy serving everyone, but still I wasn’t happy, and I was just more exhausted.  "Well maybe we just need more playtime", so we bought grown up toys, like a boat and snowmobiles, assured they would make us happy. Sure enough we enjoyed the toys, and I felt temporarily happy, but inside my soul, not so much. 


After much discussion and prayer, we decided we were going to have to find a new business for my husband.  We found a practice in Massachusetts, back in our beloved New England. We quickly put into motion another big move for our family, dreaming of the life we used to have living there, and looking forward to an even better life with our now growing family, as we now had 6 children.  One more biological and one foster daughter who we adopted.

Little did we know that our "dream" life wasn’t meant to be.  The man selling us his practice ended up doing some crooked things, and we had to pull out of that transaction just before closing on it.  We couldn’t go back west, and now we had nothing in New England either.  We had to start all over from scratch, with 6 children, in 2009, as the economy was crashing.  This was the beginning of us losing everything, and the moment that I stopped feeling. I stopped feeling happiness, sadness, loneliness.  Anything!  My body didn’t know how to handle all the stress of our life now and so I just started going through the motions of living life, but not really living anymore.  My health went down at this point too.  I ended up with adrenal fatigue and destroyed my thyroid, gaining weight uncontrollably.  Our adopted daughter was falling apart at this time too.  Failing in school, and out of control, with a medical community that said they could do nothing for her.  However, this may actually be what saved me.  See, I always kept moving because of my kids and now I was looking and researching help for them.  I knew there had to be help out there.  I prayed fervently and was led to many natural living websites and I began to think there could be help. 


One day in 2014, a friend invited me to a class to learn about natural help for my thyroid and loosing weight.  This ended up being a class about essential oils.  I decided to give it a try.  By the third week, I began to feel like we had just found a miracle in our lives.  I was feeling so good for the first time in a long time.  I hadn’t really realized how sick I was till I started feeling good again.  This led me to researching essential oils for my kids.  The medical community couldn’t help them, but maybe I could, armed with essential oils.  Another story for another time, but these oils were a miracle in helping my kids too.


I began to feel hope, and I mean really feel something again, which led me to doing more research on natural solutions for our family.  I even started teaching people about them.  Interestingly enough though, I had just been going through the motions of life for so long, I didn’t really know how to live it anymore.  My heart had been closed to protect myself for so long and I couldn’t figure out how to open it back up.  I wanted to learn how to feel again and something told me the answers for healing and happiness were found in this natural living life I had found.  I was not disappointed.  Meditation soon became my life line.  It was hard for me though. I almost gave up so many times. I also was struggling with some of the buddhism teachings found with meditation.  Not that they were bad, but learning to juggle them with my Christian beliefs had me so confused at times.  Was I betraying my Christian beliefs? I soon started researching Christian meditation.  Was that something that existed?  There were a few people out there, but as I researched I also learned about Jews and meditation.  Meditation was practiced by Jews long before Jesus.  The chances are really great that Jesus learned and practiced meditation.  I believe he taught his disciples to meditate too.  Timothy 4:15 states

  "Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them, that thy profiting may appear to all."

I felt like God had led me to my answers.  I soon began to learn from others about their Christ meditations, however I still struggled a bit trying to do them on my own, sitting in stillness.  My answer came as I started doing visualization meditations for myself.  Visualizing spending time with my Savior each day became the most healing thing in my life. 


Eventually God told me now it was my turn to help others.  In 2021, I became a life coach.  As a christian life coach, my role is to be your partner, assisting you to improve your life, health, relationships, achieve your goals and draw closer to God. Through the life coaching process, I share insights, models, and techniques to help you make the most of your life – in all areas of your life. I believe wholeheartedly that every person can learn, grow, transform, and create the happy life they want. I can’t wait to help you on your journey.



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